Heart as a Garden

One of the greatest analogies for life, I learned drawing with my counselor. I came into a session, depleted, trying to be all things to all people and falling short once again. I was exhausted, discouraged, and left questioning what to do now. I told her my life feels like a garden. I till the soil, plant the seeds, water, fertilize, and watch, as beautiful flowers and hearty produce grow before my eyes. I nurture my garden and try my best to care for it with consistency and compassion. I pull weeds as necessary, because they seem to come up no matter how hard I try (any gardeners out there can testify to that!) But in that moment, as I explained this to my counselor, I began to mention people who were coming into my garden, telling me what I should and shouldn't plant, how I should be taking care of my plants, and some even coming and planting whatever they deemed fit. They were leaving things uprooted, dirt heaped on the little stone walkways I had placed beside my...