Fixing Our Eyes In the Midst of the Storm
It's hard to believe it's already been a month here. And yet it is also hard to believe it has only been a month. A month in a foreign land. A month of lessons learned, tears cried, prayers prayed, deep laughter, and a greater dependence on the Lord than I have ever experienced. A season that will never be completely replicated. But, one filled with new knowledge that I will carry with me into the seasons after.
As I said before, I've been reading through the gospels. This past week, I came upon Matthew 14:22-33, a familiar passage, one I could almost paint from memory. It starts with Jesus alone, praying on the mountainside. Perhaps recuperating after all that he has done: the healings, the teachings, the miracle of feeding the five thousand just before this story begins. When Jesus is weary, he seeks out time to be completely alone with the Father. This is seen many different times within the gospel narrative. With Christ as our example, we can learn that it is important that we do the same. When life bombards us with things, both good things and hard things, we must turn to the Father. And while there is so much beauty in fellowship and pursuing Him with other believers surrounding us, it is vital that we enter into periods of quiet space alone.
The story continues with Jesus looking out upon the water, seeing the disciples in their boat, watching the waters buffet against the sides as the winds blew. As dawn grew near, Jesus went out to them, walking on the water. The disciples were terrified.
"But Jesus immediately said to them: 'Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Jesus saw their fear and without hesitation, ushered in comfort with both his words and his presence.
And then there is Peter. The audacious one. "Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water." To which Jesus simply replies, "Come."
Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk on the water. He is capable of doing something that apart from God, he could never do. That is what life with God is like. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do things that we never could have on our own. That has been revealed to me continually in my life. Coming to the Czech was only possible because of the orchestration of God, and living here is only possible by continuing to abide with Him.
Yet, this next part is the part of the story that has spoken the most to me over the course of my time here.
Peter was doing the extraordinary, eyes fixed on Jesus. And then, for a moment, his mind wandered to the storm around him. The waves crashing at his ankles. He focused on his fear and the problems surrounding him. I imagine he looked at the waves, perhaps even looked at the other disciples in the boat and the distance that he'd walked, and he became afraid. In that moment, fear swallowed him. He began to sink into it, sinking into the crashing waves. He cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Once again, immediately, without hesitation, Jesus reaches out His hand and catches Peter. Jesus does not ridicule him or make him save himself because "He was the one to look at the waves." Jesus does not blame Peter for taking his eyes off of his Savior. Jesus simply reaches out and rescues Peter. He does tell Peter, "You of little faith, why did you doubt." And I used to read those words as if Jesus was angry or condescending. But now that I have experienced the mercy and grace of Jesus, I know that that is not what He sounds like.
How does this story fit into my life here in the Czech, you may be asking yourself. I honestly wish that it wasn't such an accurate depiction of what I've been learning and experiencing here. There have been so many sudden uncertainties surface and my natural inclination is to worry or become anxious. But I have noticed that when I fix my eyes of Jesus, there is a peace that washes over me that I don't understand. Everything seems to be going wrong and yet my heart is not worried, because I have spent time in the presence of my Lord and I know that He is working all things out.
This has been true for me on the opposite end of the spectrum as well. On days when I have been "too busy" or "couldn't find the time" to spend with Jesus, reading His word and just sitting with Him in prayer, I have been an anxious mess. My mind swells with worst-case scenarios and I question and doubt everything that He has given me the ability to do. Because I am trying to rely on my own strength and abilities. And in that, I will always find myself in Peter's shoes, drowning. Swirling in the waters of inadequacy, shame, worry and fear.
But there is hope! Just as Jesus immediately reached out to Peter, He waits patiently for us to cry out to Him so that He can do the same for us. Jesus could have saved Peter the moment that he started to sink. Yet Jesus waited until Peter cried out to Him. Not because He is cynical and wants us to experience hurt, but because He has given us the free will to constantly choose. We have the choice - to spend time with Jesus, to call out to Him in our need, to fix our eyes on Him and all that He has given us even when it feels like the world is crashing down around us. That is our choice.
God loves us enough to let us choose. He has since the very beginning, with Adam and Eve in the Garden. So, in moments when the waves are crashing and the storm seems to continue without end, I challenge you to look to Jesus. Fix your eyes on Him. Even when it makes no sense, even when a situation feels hopeless, even when you are hurting or when everything is going well for you. I have seen God move in miraculous ways over the last couple of weeks when those who believe in Him seek His face. Fix your eyes on Jesus.
Hebrews 12:1b-2 says, "And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
As you go about your week this week, look for God. Because He is not far and He does not hide. Fix your eyes on the truth of His Word and center your life on His promises. Simply, fix your eyes.
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