Bare Before the Lord

If you know me at all, you know that I love to be barefoot. Some people find it weird or off-putting, but there's something about the connectedness that I feel to my surroundings when I am experiencing it all - even with my feet. Plus, who likes the confining feelings of socks and shoes? (I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but BARE with me ;) That was a completely accidental play on words, but it fits! When I was growing up, my feet were a big source of insecurity for me. There were those who made fun of me for having such big feet. They would call me names or comment on their size (when in all honesty, they are completely proportionate with the rest of my body and if they were any smaller, they would make fun of them too). I have since started to realize that there are people in every season of life, that find enjoyment in making others feel small or less than. I confess I have been that person before, and I'm sure you have too. But, that is a story for another day. In high ...