All It Takes
Everyone handles culture shock differently. And I'd studied it in undergrad to prepare myself for what it would feel like. Even then, I was completely taken aback by it. It is so difficult for someone to understand who has never experienced it before, but I will do my best to share my experience here. Some people go through a "honeymoon phase" when they initially enter the country. This is where the experience of new culture is exciting and thrilling and all that is new is enticing and leaves a person in awe. I had a couple, "My life feels like a movie" moments. Then, this rosey mentally sort of fades or dies down as the weeks pass. It isn't that the culture isn't as beautiful as it was before, it's simply that the newness and thrill have waned down. I felt like my honeymoon phase didn't last long, perhaps because of the season of winter that makes it more difficult to get out and explore on a whim or the fact that energy sapped from me so quick...